Sunday, June 22, 2008

Shake It Off!

Handling Rejection
Mark 6:4 "Only in his hometown, among his relatives and his own house is a prophet without honor (NIV)."


    Rejections from those who are close to you like your family and friends hurts. Jesus suffered that same kind of rejection in his own town among his own kind and even in his household. People where saying they knew him and put limits on Him. Jesus was teaching with authority but this was unusual for a carpenter to be able to teach with such power, let alone they saw him grow up and know his family.
    When people know you or of you it seems easy to assume they know all you are capable of doing. Jesus was beyond their limits they placed on his life. You too are not limited to the limits people have placed on your life. Jesus knew his purpose and knew that he would face rejection on the path. Your path to success will be littered with rejection and ridicule. Because if you path is easy and not obstacles than you are on the wrong path. Jesus knew to save the world he was going to suffer many things (Luke 9:22). Just know that as you face this rejection God is projecting you to your destination. What comes against you is not greater than who is with you.
    Handle rejection as Jesus told his disciples as just shake the dust off your feet (Mark 6:11). Brush them off. Do not let them weigh you down but instead know you are doing greater works for the Lord and God will judge them. You need not be worried of them but show grace and humility but trusting fully on God and following Jesus. Jesus will see that you can make it because he has made you able to win.
    So now when you receive rejection take the time to measure where you are in your journey. Ask am I on the right path? Am I doing God's will? If your answer is yes, then let the ridicule not stop you but just shake it off!


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