Friday, February 2, 2018

Joy of Being One

Joy of Being One
"Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose" (Phil. 2:2 NASB).

The church serves one God through the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ revealed to us the gospel that shows us we are the church. The church should always be focused on the same gospel message. The gospel message should lead to unity in the Spirit and working out he mission of the gospel in his church. 

The gospel teaches us about God's love for the world. This love is what should be lived out in every believer. This love will lead to healing and restoring broken relationships. This love forgives and endures hardships out of love. This love will also make strong the relationships that are established already in the bond of Christ to endure future hardships. This love is what holds community, families and churches together. Love keeps us united.

Christ's love for us was shown in his sacrificial death on the cross for our sins. Love is sacrificial and giving. This gospel of unselfish love is the message we should be reflecting in our daily lives.  All who call on the Jesus Christ as Lord should be one in purpose to serve the Lord as one. This unity will bring joy and unity in God's church demonstrated in love as one.

Lord, make us one. Soften my heart to be focus on your will and desires above mine. Help me to seek unity and peace in all things for your gospel sake. Amen.