“Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.”
(Luke 24:27 NAS95)
We can find Christ in all the scripture. Look to see Christ and you will find him. Look for God in his Word and you will discover the God who is the author of the world salvation. To know Christ is to know his word. His Word teaches us who he is. The world will teach you who they believe Jesus is and they will often time contradict the word of God.
Read God's word to understand God's word. Meditate on God's word to have his word in your heart. Meditation is not a vain repetition of words. Meditation of God's word is thinking of how the word applies to your heart and the conviction you feel from God's word. Meditation should lead to a response to God's word of asking the question, "Now how do I live in view of God's word?"
Let us move from asking what would Jesus do. Let us now seek what is God's will. This concrete specific desire leads to factual work that is described in God's word. This will eat us to live out God's word and be like his Son Jesus and know doing what Jesus wants all his children to do in loving obedience.
Lord, I want to see you in all your glory in your word. Minister to my heart as I read your word. I give all of me to you. I let go my ideas, agenda, and personal perception. Awaken me to your power and purpose in my life that I may walk in total humility and obedience in your will. Amen