"He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything" (Colossians 1:18 NAS95).
What place does Jesus have in your life? If you were to list the people who are first in your life what comes first to mind? Would it be your spouse, children, parents significant other or pet? This question triggers who has priority in your life.
You may place people or things before Christ but he is still number one. When the proper recognition of Jesus and his person and place in all of the world is placed in ones heart all other things will line up in order.
For Jesus is the head of the body, his church. He is the beginning and and the ending. The Alpha and the Omega. He is the firstborn form the dead to show all hat he is first in everything. He is eternal.
Jesus when on this earth showed us how to be last so that he would become first. "So the last will be first, and the first will be last" (Matthew 20:16 NIV). When we put Christ first in our life and ourself last, we will see the beauty and the supremacy of Christ working in our life and others. Christ first in your line of sight will keep your eye on the prize and the higher calling and seeking to live a life worthy and submission to the great, mighty and glorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Prayer of Reflection:
- Praise God for his rule and authority over the world and his life.
- Ask the Lord to reveal where I have not allowed you to be Lord in my life. Repent.
- Pray for wisdom and knowledge to how to live according to His will and seeing God truly first in life in all areas.