Listen for Jesus voice. Hear his voice above all the others sources that you can search on the Internet, at the library and from your friends and family. None of those sources have the ability to give life and life more abundantly. Jesus speaks the truth, because he is truth. Jesus' tender mercy is filled in every word he says to you. He has come to show you how great his love really is by laying his life down for you.
Stop and listen to him.
Take the time to reflect on Jesus grace in your life. Take the time to count your blessings in life, how you are able to read this, how you are able to hear this or how you are even able to hold this. The day-to-day activities that you can do are reasons to praise God for the life he has given you through Jesus His Son.
Are you listening?
Pray to God. Communicate to him and ask him to speak to your heart. Allow Jesus to lead you with his message of love in your heart. See how Jesus' love will show you how to love your neighbor and improve your relationships. Jesus love is strong enough that it hopes and endures all things. Love never fails. Will you Let Jesus be your Shepherd and follow His every Word.