Friday, March 27, 2009

Meeting Jesus

"When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today."" (Luke 19:5 NIV-G/K)


You may have met a teacher, a relative, friend or even a stranger that changed your life. You have come into contact with some people who have in turn left an impact in your life. You may have told your closest friends about this person and now they would like to meet this person that changed your life.

You can do that now. You can introduce someone to Jesus. Did he change your life? He changed Zacchaeus life. This is what happens when Jesus found it necessary to stay in Zacchaeus house. Zacchaeus went on to correct his wrongs and made them right. He repented when he accepted Jesus into his life. Just like Zacchaeus you too can change. Allow Jesus to come into your life and live with a clean heart.

Living with a clean heart is to actively seek Jesus every day. Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem passing through Jericho and Zacchaeus wanted to see him. He climbed a sycamore just to see Jesus. Just seeing Jesus put him in the place to welcome Jesus. Everyday make an effort to see Jesus and welcome him into your house. See how your life will change. Make haste and let Jesus come live in your heart. 

Friday, March 20, 2009


Luke 11:39 ¶ Then the Lord said to him, "Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. ~NIV
Clean on the outside but dirty on the inside. The saying goes that beauty is skin deep but ugly is to the bone. Society pushes image and how you dress because to show your social status and the appearance of being well in life. You can wash up real good and put on expensive clothes but this only covers up what is truly inside. That is why Jesus teaches, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (see Luke 12:34)."  Do you treasure you money, status and appearance more than integrity, the love of God and his commandments? Have you allowed material wealth drowned you in debt looking for God to redeem you? Living in this bondage of this material world is a life of hardship. Jesus has come to set you free of the chains of this world in living for him. Who the Son sets free is free indeed (see John 8:36). Be free of trying to impress others and just serve God and see how peace will fill you up and want will not be an issue but you learn how to be content with God.
Open up your heart to God and allow him to deal with the issues inside. Do not try to cover them up or even drown them out with drug and alcohol abuse. Do not attempt to mask the problem but do unmask and expose yourself to be changed. Jesus wants your full devotion and life. Give it all to him by releasing your pride and embracing humility. Be willing to confess where you fall short and stop trying to cover this all up. God knows all and sees all. Come to Jesus and let him clean you from the inside out.  

Friday, March 13, 2009

Trust In Me...

Trust In Me

 John 14:1  "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me (italics mine NIV).
We too can find comfort in these comforting words from Jesus to his disciples. Jesus tells them to place their trust in him saying, "Do not let your hearts be troubled". Understand that your trust is only as good as whom or what you place your trust.
Trust issues come up when the source you trust in is not a trustworthy source. Your trust is not in question but the source is in question. For example you desire food from a vending machine. You trust that the vending machine will give you what you pay for and you will be satisfied. When the vending machine does not give you what you have paid for you are not satisfied. You may actually be troubled. The machine shows itself to be untrustworthy, not you. Your trust was right but misplaced in a machine that is not consistent and not trustworthy.
God on the other hand has shown himself to be true, faithful and trustworthy. Also Jesus is the radiance of God's glory and his exact representation of his appearance (see Hebrews 1:3). Therefore put your trust in Jesus and his commandments and teachings. See how trusting God to guide your life will be better for you and your hearts will not be troubled. Trust in God is like an investment with a guarantee return of profit. Trusting in Jesus is the same. Trusting in Jesus as God's provision for the worlds Sins.
Gain comfort in Trusting in Jesus now and have peace in your heart knowing that God can supply your every need all through Christ Jesus.